]> www.average.org Git - pdns-pipe-nmc.git/blob - pdns-pipe-nmc.cabal
fix and relax cabal
[pdns-pipe-nmc.git] / pdns-pipe-nmc.cabal
1 name:                pdns-pipe-nmc
2 version:   
3 synopsis:            Namecoin pipe backend for PowerDNS
4 description:         Realtime bridge between Namecoin "d/" namespace
5                      (http://namecoin.info/) and DNS implemented as
6                      a pipe backend coprocess for PowerDns
7                      (http://www.powerdns.com/).
8 homepage:            http://www.average.org/pdns-pipe-nmc/
9 license:             OtherLicense
10 license-file:        LICENSE
11 author:              Eugene Crosser
12 maintainer:          crosser@average.org
13 copyright:           2014, Eugene Crosser
14 category:            Database
15 build-type:          Simple
16 extra-source-files:  README.md, SPEC.md
17 cabal-version:       >=1.10
19 executable pdns-pipe-nmc
20   main-is:             pdns-pipe-nmc.hs
21   other-modules:       Config
22                      , JsonRpcClient
23                      , NmcDom
24                      , NmcRpc
25                      , NmcTransform
26                      , PowerDns
27   other-extensions:    OverloadedStrings
28   build-depends:       base
29                      , bytestring
30                      , text
31                      , split
32                      , containers
33                      , aeson
34                      , ConfigFile
35                      , MissingH
36                      , vector
37                      , unordered-containers
38                      , data-default-class >=0.0.1
39                      , http-client >=0.2
40                      , http-types >=0.6
41                      , mtl >=2.0
42                      , pretty-show
43                      , time
44   -- hs-source-dirs:      
45   default-language:    Haskell98